R.I.P. Kodachrome

The very last roll of Kodachrome was processed this afternoon in Kansas. People still have Kodachrome in their freezers. But, there are no more processing chemicals left. R.I.P. Kodachrome.

R.I.P. Skywave. Today, I sprung for the “Virgin Mobile” solution. Rather than the MiFi option – I went for the USB flavor. The Airness only has one USB port – so… that is a bit limiting.  But, Skywave’s WiFi service was not satisfactory in December. It was fine in November. But, I am not going to buy another 30 days of spotty service.

I am not madly in love with the Virgin Mobile solution. Gizmo costs $80 and service is $40 for 30 days. G3. I can almost get G4 at home. They have G4 across the street. Maybe the signal leaks over the street and into my windows.

Grocery store is in frantic new years mode. We are in “sandwich mode” until the crush is over. New Year’s is a much more important holiday in Hawaii than is Xmas.

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