Sailfin Tangs

pair of sailfin tangs

Fish. Surgeonfish and tangs, like the sailfin tang, get their name from the very sharp scales at the base of their tails. When threatened, they can swim backwards at an enemy, raising these scales like a knife. On the sailfin tang – these knives are bright blue.

Sailfin tangs are herbivores and help keep the coral health by keeping the algae munched down.  A sailfin tang can reach 16 inches in length.  Adults usually are found in pairs.

Time to get serious about finding tickets home. Nothing tasty except for a first class deal on Alaska. Mr C would have a cow if we go first class. Maybe I’ll send him home on my last Frequent Flyer miles and send myself home First Class. No matter what Mr C thinks – you can not take it with you when you take that last trip.

There are lots of homeless people around here. And, we know many of them by name. We had heard that Danny had died a couple of days ago. Danny was taken out of this hotel about a month ago by the cops, nude. Anyhow, Carlton found him on the beach this afternoon. Alive and well and clothed. Danny said he went to the mainland for the holidays.

One Reply to “Sailfin Tangs”

  1. Danny seems to be a character of interest. One of which a mystery or adventure story could be written. Question? If he carried out nude by cops who was? If he didn’t die who did? Is he the one who is supposed to be related to some Hollywood notable? Questions, questions? Happy New Year you two.
    Would you say Carlton is the modern day Jack Benny when it comes to his money??? Have a great day. Would not want to tangle with a Sailfin Tang. Zee

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