The lineup of potties is the first thing you see when you get off your cruise ship. Anybody have a clue why we are frequently bypassed by the ships.
Show a couple of interesting “fishy” things today – but I was not equiped with optimal gear either time.
I was out on the dock in my clothes early this morning an spied a really fine octopus from the dock. It went thru its entire color and texture repertoire while I watched. I didn’t want to watch him long enough to draw a crowd – octopus are a prize culinary catch – and I’d hate to be responsible for the demise of this splendid creature.
Later on my swim – I encountered a pair of really big scorpion fish. Didn’t have my camera. I watched them until I got cold. They didn’t do anything. Just sat on the bottom and looked like lumps of sand.
Been watching with some dismay the spineless budget process. Seems like we are going to cut health care for small kids and keep Viagra benefits for old men. Kill off Head Start but keep our expensive mercenary army so we can keep two wars going without inconveniencing ourselves or endangering our kids.
During the Gingrich era – some KnowNothing CongressPerson introduced a bill to abolish NOAA. After all, he said, we have The Weather Channel. That might be an urban legend – but it is a good one. And, I know that Senator Santorium actually introduced legislation to force NOAA to stop providing online weather about 5 or 6 years ago.