It’s Spring today

Found a star magnolia outside the apartment building

It was warm and sunny enough for me to go outside. The first thing I found was a little star magnolia tree in bloom. It was warm enough for a nice walk down to Clarendon. Home of the Apple Store, the Container Store, Crate and Barrel, Whole Foods and other urban delights. I went into Whole Food and got lunch. Managed to avoid all the other shopping opportunities. For now. A visit to the Apple Store will happen soon.

Still waiting to see what happens to Japan’s nuclear power plants. I think the nuclear power will be a total nonstarter from now on. I am not sure what we will use for electricity in the future. But, I don’t think it will come from nuclear. Maybe we will have to use less electricity.

Everyone in Hawaii is upset because the GOP Slash and Burn Budget slashes funding for the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. Understandably, no one else seems to care or even know that there is a Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. I guess “they” figure The Weather Channel can handle the job.


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