RIP Ishinomaki

So far so good with the nuclear power plants in Japan. But, I fear that a funny little town without much going for it except some really funky public art and a spaceship-like cartoon museum was washed away.

At least one of these festive trains vanished during the tsunami
Teenage person outside the Ishinomaki Mangattan Museum
The old person inside the Ishinomaki Mangattan Museum
Every street corner was graced by at least one large "action figure"

RIP Ishinomaki –

But wait. Ishinomaki is about 10 miles inland. On a large tidal river. I am guessing that some of it is still around. Especially away from the river. I hope so.

About the NFL strike. Does anyone really care what the billionaire owners do to the millionaire players.

Oh dear, an email just arrived – another explosion at one of the power plants.

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