Yes, shopping dysfunction. SD, if you please. I am unable to shop. Oh, I haven’t come down with agoraphobia. I can still look. I just seem to have lost the desire to complete the act… To actually buy something. I guess is just a passing thing. I don’t want any new clothes. I don’t really want an iPad 2. I don’t want new window treatments. I don’t want cornrows or acrylic nails.
I am expecting a Carlton-frenzy when he gets back home within the next hour. He lost a nail file this morning. He personally lost it. Right here in the apartment. I will have to hide while he whirls around looking for it. What if the man ever lost anything important? Can not think about it.
Good news. Finish my taxes this morning. They are reposing in the computer, and backed up, and printed out. I’ll let them age for a couple of days before e-filing.
Update: Better news. The nail file has been found. Life is tranquil again.