A Reason to Become an ExPat

Spring Quest - TS2

According to the BBC – A study using census data from nine countries shows that religion there is set for extinction, say researchers.  The team took census data stretching back as far as a century from countries in which the census queried religious affiliation: Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland.

And since Jedi Knight is the 4th most popular religion in Great Britain – guess they too might be on the slippery slop towards religious extinction.

About the photo: Took the TS2 – aka the underwater camera – out on spring quest today. It does an OK job if you are careful and keep your expectations low.

New Plan. My new plan is to be extra nice to Carlton. I am guessing he has about five more years before reaching his “use before” date. I mostly sort of ignore him. Oh I feed him and do his taxes. But, mostly, I ignore him.  So, starting today – I am going to try being “nice” to him. Don’t know how long this fad will last. Stop me if I try to order a copy of “Fascinating Womanhood” from Amazon.

This “be nice” to Carlton came out of a discussion we were having yesterday – about how we felt it is important to be really nice to people as we get older and become more dependent on the kindness of others. Well, seems to me this being nice should start with the person you are around most. And, in my case that person is Carlton. Stay tuned.

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