Yesterday, I expressed my displeasure with using drone aircraft to kill people. Today, am happy to report that the “pilots” of said aircraft do no get combat pay if their butts are safely in CONUS. They do, however, get flight pay.
Been here in the apartment one year next week. So, today, I installed the knife rack on the wall. The old apartment didn’t have anywhere to put the knife rack. So, for the first time in 6 years, my knives are not lurking in the drawer waiting to slice unwary fingers.
Carlton is a culinary philistine. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Last night he said he liked my cheap canned tuna paddies with salsa as much as my wild caught salmon with guacamole. He said he couldn’t tell the difference between tuna paddies and crab cakes. I guess, it is a good thing. Because I am planning on taking next week off from cooking. Oh, we’ll be eating at home – because Carlton doesn’t eat out – but everything is going to be nuked from the freezer. Or sandwiches. Or salad. And, it will not complain. In fact, he’ll like it.
Speaking of Carlton. The other evening, he delineated his plan to improve America.
- First stop doing what ever it is we are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan and bring the troops home. Now.
- Then, by the end of this calendar year – come up with some sort of flat, VAT, whatever tax system that will be simpler and raise more money.
- Revise Medicare and Social Security so wealthy old folks start getting less and paying more now. (That would include us).
- Stop the the “all you can eat” Medicare as we know it now – for everyone. Bring on the “Death Panels” as the Republicans called them.
Actually, Carlton’s plan would cost us a bunch. I don’t know if he is really willing to pay more. Maybe he is just sure nothing will happen until we crash and burn…
Easter: When christian celebrate a jew who got nailed to a tree by the romans by having a rabbit deliver colored chicken eggs. Go figure.