Not Much Happening

I guess these are lawn flamingo eggs?

A sort of boring day today. But, there are worse things than being bored! I am not complaining.

Going to a friend’s 80th birthday party tonight. We are at the age where our friends start having birthday parties again. Birthday parties and funerals. Not to different really, except at the former the guest of honor is supposed to stay wake. Which is why birthday parties among the senior set are held at increasingly early hours.

Yesterday, I got exasperated by the diet. Moderation, a return to portion control and  banishment of all things sweet, buttery, or alcoholic from the diet were not getting it done. Quickly enough. So, I kicked the diet into one of deprivation, starvation portions, and  eliminated all  tasty carbohydrates. (High fiber cereal is still allowed.) As of yesterday AM the weight was solidly stuck at 130 pounds … Which is 9.3 stones. Doesn’t sound so bad.

This has to be some sort of a sick joke. See ds5513-proposed (Sorry, haven’t figured out how to to this more elegantly.) That would be the proposed New Improved Passport Application Form. I am one of the few people on the planet who could actually fill this thing out. And, this is really funny – but yesterday I was seriously considering deleting my old extremely high clearance forms. The repository of all such info.


3 Replies to “Not Much Happening”

  1. The new passport form sure does look like a Background Investigation. Should make ‘birthers’ happy – they will have more documentation.

    Ah well it won’t be long before going state to state we hear ‘Papers Please!’.

    Glad my boys have passports and are done for the moment.


    1. It does, and not just the generic Secret or TS investigation either, but the SCI, Q, crypto etc versions. As I said, glad I didn’t delete the PDF’s that I saved of my papers. My paper copies made it into the shredder on one of my recent downsizings.

  2. Hi,
    Our french form is simplier. Just name, place of birth for you and your parents.
    I think that for some people, it can be more complicated, but I’m french, born in france, and my parents are french born in france, so no problem. The authorities can verify all of my pedigree themselves.

    So, yesterday, we went to a city hall to ask passports for our USA trip in august.
    Here, in France, not all of the city hall are able to deliver the new biometric passport. But now, you can freely choose a city hall to do that. We choosed the wrong one: they were able to deliver one, but they didn’t have the machine to take the photography. Only the machine to take fingerprints ! (and the computer of course)
    And because we did not bring our own photos, we had to return home… (your own photos can be rejected if they did not match to the criterias, thats why I prefer to ask the city officer to do it)

    This morning, we went to another city hall, there was the photo machine, but when it was my turn “oh, I see you had a previous passeport, can you give it to me ?” , “oh no, I didn’t take it, it was a very old one…”, “sorry but you must give it to me !” ,
    ok, I went back home, but I was unable to find it !

    So, I returned to the city hall, and the woman agreed to make me sign a “lost declaration” (yes it’s lost in my own house after all !). After that, all was ok… So now we just have to wait 1 month.

    Here, the biometrical passeport cost 90€ for an adult and 20€ for children. (133$ and 30$), and is valid for five years.

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