Don’t understand this funk. I think these might be contributing problems.
- I really need to get an appointment to get more blood pressure drugs. I ran out of drugs about July 4th. Wait, what if I ran out of illegal drugs? Wouldn’t I get them going again. But I am stuck. Everyday that I don’t do something it gets harder to pick up the phone and make the appointment and then go endure the grief about not taking the drugs and not getting my mammogram and not taking statins. Last time I went to the doctor, I ending up going thru a bunch of tests – both painful and expensive – for nothing. Well, it was just to prevent me from suing the doctor if it had been something. And, all I wanted then was more BP drugs. Nope, I don’t know what my BP is. Been afraid to check it. Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to.
- I must lose 10 pounds. Or, I will not fit into my wetsuit. Now, this is serious. I will not buy I new wetsuit.
- The economy and my equity portfolio is going south again.
- And the leaky apartment didn’t help anything.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
Sorry it’s the only Latin I know and even it is bastardized.
Keep fighting the good fight – it makes sense to only take the meds that work for you and not get on the medication treadmill more then you have to. Hopefully Hawaii will help with BP too!