Computer Pilikia pau

Spinner Dolphin

Computer is back to normal. I took the camera out for a swim this morning. I always swap out the SD card and the battery in the very well air conditioned hotel across the street – so no fish pictures from today.

The really good swimmers reported seeing a shark – now the shark was out farther than I go – but I asked myself – “I can not swim out to where the shark is – but what’s to stop the shark from swimming in to were I am?”. I didn’t have a good answer to that question. But, I swam around for about an hour anyhow. Hearing the Jaws theme song all the while!

Today’s menu: turkey meatballs, mashed potatoes, zucchini and carrots for lunch today. The meatball, zucchini and carrots got nuked together. And the potatoes were leftover. Pretty easy.

2 Replies to “Computer Pilikia pau”

  1. Peggy,

    We used to ofter new new divers $50 if they could get a picture in their scuba classes. If you are not spearfishing and we are not talking a seal hungry great white I wouldn’t be worried. Generally an in control skin diver or worse a scuba diver with bubbles frightens sharks away. Their senses are really good. Other then nurse sharks (which are quite dangerous when breeding but otherwise docile ) we saw a hammerhead at range once. Once. That’s in and around Puerto Rico for the hundreds of dives we made. I saw the rare West Indies manatee twice. In Tahiti where the French divers feed them reef and black tip sharks in the 3-6′ range swarm like bees around divers looking for hand outs. A six footer with the magnifying of your mask looks like a real monster. I found it spooky but more experienced divers obviously mess with bigger sharks – again usually chumming the water. Basically point is they want nothing to do with an in control snorkler. Now someone splashing around on the top, kicking feet like appetizers as they tred water – that might be a bit more tempting. So snorkle and watch for jellyfish, fire coral, coral, and sea urchins. Those are the REAL hazards.

    I envy ya!



    1. Thanks for the words of wisdom. I really am much more afraid of jellyfish than sharks. I usually stay out of the water if there is even a hint of jellyfish. Fortunately, our jellyfish appear 8-10 days after the full moon. They are called box jellyfish. But, they are not the really evil box jellies that they have in Australia. We also have Portugese Man-of-War. But, you can usually see them. (As opposed to the small transparent box jellies.)

      Our local sharks seem to like surfers best. We didn’t used to have sharks in this area. But, there is a new fish farm about 7 miles up the coast. “Everyone” thinks the fish farm attracts sharks.

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