Turkey Day Dinner Win and Black Friday Miss.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Slaved over a hot microwave for minutes and produced Thanksgiving Dinner – chicken, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce for Carlton, Steinlager for me, avocado and portuguese sweet rolls with pumpkin cream cheese to round things out. Thankful for culinary technology. And we even have a few leftovers.

Today, I am embarrassed to say, I went to Target in search of a “deal”.

This seemed like a good price for the “classic” Kindle with 3G. The 3G feature appeals to the gypsy part of me. Target opened at midnight. Needless to say, by the time I got there at 10AM-ish the $85 ones were gone. I was not disappointed. No way I was going to walk 4 miles at midnight to get an obsolete Kindle. My Kindle Quest was just a part of today’s exercise program.

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