As you can see, out hotel is not very crowded. The hotel gardener and the occasional large insect or gecko are our only neighbors on the 3rd floor.
I took the donated fins out on sea trials today. They don’t seem to be any better or worse than the Walmart ones. The Walmart ones might be going back.
Great article The Strange Birth and Long Life of Unix.
Time to cook dinner. The food goddess provided mahi mahi today. Plus 4 huge avocado and some tangerines. How about nuked mahi mahi with a ginger sauce and rice, also some sort of avocado and tangerine salad?
I remember several of those old PDP-8 through 11 bread boxen floating around at the postal contract. We used to drag them in like lost puppies but you would promptly make us return them. You remember – the office within a junk warehouse, frisbee stadium, and postal sleep station that housed us.
Ah gentler times the 70s – I doubt the USPS has any newspaper and sleep positions left today. While other workers enjoyed looking out the office windows at parkland, we enjoyed views of snoozing postal servants.
Oh and Katz’s kosher deli lunches – we had it made and never knew it….