My holiday decorations are up. The Kona Xmas Parade just finished. Everyone in town who had a red t-shirt and a dog marched in the parade. No decorated cement mixers this year. I guess the economy is too bad to for the cement company to waste the fuel to be in our parade. There are usually 3 or 4 decorated cement mixers.
At this instant, a really loud Hawaiian reggie band doing a concert at the luau grounds across from the pier. Thank goodness for industrial strength ear plugs. Marriott owns the luau grounds now. Old Mr Marriott would not be pleased with the loud music annoying the guests at his hotel. (If I can hear it – I am sure the Marriott people can too.)
As you all know – I haven’t had a really good night’s sleep in over 10 years. I stopped fussing about it. Or even worrying. There will be plenty of time to sleep when I am dead. Last night – I enjoyed my non-sleep time by watch a total lunar eclipse of the full moon. Splendid way to spend the night.