Well, I finally ended the To Kindle or Not To Kindle drama. I decided on the “old” keyboard version with G3. Why the old version. Well, I rarely purchase Version 1.0 of any thing. And the Touch Kindle seemed to be a whole new gadget. The G3-ness, think dialup speed – but it works, is limited on the Touch Version. Limited to shopping at Amazon. The old version is supposed to let you connect ever so slowly to Gmail and the like. Sometimes, when bereft of WiFi – I would like to do that.
I say “is supposed to” because as soon as I got the thing – I charged it up and loaded Dracula on it and handed it to Carlton. He hasn’t put it down. Enjoying Dracula and the Kindle. I am glad I didn’t put War and Peace on it!
I got the Kindle at our local Target. Far cheaper than from Amazon.