Rock and Roll Retirement Home?

Poppies - The ZS15

Not sure how serious Carlton is about identifying an Old Persons Asylum for us.  When you reach our age you have friends who live in “those places.” Our friends live in very nice (read expensive) Asylums. Never mind that the most expensive one is going bankrupt. Problem is: they are all geriatric country clubs. What’s this with “Gentlemen must wear jackets after 5PM”? Some of the men look like they would forget their pants without a reminder.

What we need is a Rock and Roll Rest Home. California seems to have some emerging Rest Homes for Rockers. Nothing  in our area. You have to die with your panty hose on, your face done and your hair processed at the beauty salon. And, if you are a gentleman and die after 5PM you darn well better have your jacket on.

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