Spending a gloomy day looking at my investments.

Ah, what a fun way to spend the day. Looking your failures in the eye. Owning up to mistakes. Errors in judgement. Miscalculations. Bets gone wrong. Important changes in underlying motivations that were missed.

What happened to my Drone Aeroplanes??? What the F happened to my little company that makes: bullets, pressure cookers and generic Depends??? Why did my little local defense contractor have a serious sinking spell??? And mostly, why on earth did I keep buying coal as it kept going down??? Couldn’t I see what nat gas was doing to coal? It wasn’t a secret. So, I have been doing some buying and selling. throwing good money after bad. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

It is most likely time to just accept my losses in coal and get on with the rest of my life. Also, toss good money after bad and get more of my little defense contractor. Wait on the drone aeroplane business to get better and cut my losses on bullets, pressure cookers and generic Depends.

Spring cleaning for the the portfolio.

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