Well, I opened a twitter account. When I found out that United had cheaper plane fares available to tweeters. The older I get the harder it is to stay in the technology fast lane. Who am I kidding, I long ago left the fast lane. Heck, I am just trying to stay out of technology Depends.
And not two days after I update my Word Press software – it starts nagging me to upgrade again. Sigh.
Yeah WP and WP plugin upgrades come pretty fast these days, but with the latest versions both are a single click in the admin interface. I love how easy upgrades have become.
As for Twitter I have my tweets magically populate my Facebook status so I don’t have to spend time updating both. And I have to keep everything shorter than 140 characters which is a good thing. Tweetie is my twitter fav app, but it is Mac only. Good for tracking my favorite techies and keeping up with insider tech stuff.
I am getting closer to a Mac. I am happy with Ubuntu and it is my everyday OS. I fire up XP for iTunes. And, I have this craving for Lightroom – which I have put off buying not wanting to have $300 tied up in Windows software. But, it might be cheaper to just run XP and Ubuntu on my Mac.