This is Carlton is 1972 in his wild and crazy (pre AA) days in San Francisco. This nice former girl friend sent some pictures in honor of his upcoming birthday.
On the medical front.
First the good news. The catheter is out and he can pee like a real man again.
Next the not so good news. Seems like an infection is setting in. Maybe in his sternum. And, that means he most likely will not be sewn back up for another two months. More on this dreadfulness after we know more. I sent him off to “wound care” on his own this morning because I thought it was just to get a dressing change and then he would go off to see the urologist on his own – that being a manly thing. I am sorry that I let him go anywhere alone. My bad. It will not happen again. I was in the hospital. I wish he had called me when the wound care nurse started talking about this infection. The infection that may have invaded the bone.
I must say, I am not real happy with “my” hospital. At the instant – I wouldn’t take my dog there if I had any options. Maybe I am just a dissatisfied customer. Maybe I am just a careless wife for letting him go ANYWHERE alone.