We went to see Mr. C’s infectious disease doctor this morning. Dr Vampire said that Carlton is doing OK and that he will stop the IV antibiotics next Thursday, if Carlton continues to respond. And, Carlton can have his PICC line taken out after that. Tomorrow, Carlton will find out how long it will take him to get the PICC line out after he gets the note from Vampire Doc saying it can come out.
Vampire Doc will not take it out, because he never touches his patients – which – when you consider why people come to see him – you can understand why. Apparently the PICC line just gets ever so carefully pulled out.
Still thinking about smart phones. Nexus 4 is the clear winner on price. Only other possibility – for me – is the iPhone. iPhone still has that Steve Jobs approved look and feel. iPhones seem to be safe from viruses. iPhones would work with all my other Apple stuff. But, it would cost twice as much. iPhone does do LTE. Nexus 4 does not. Nexus 4 drops back to wifi when cell signal is absent. iPhone does not.