A Picture is Worth a Couple of Words

I started this Blog in the spring of 2001 – before blogs were invented. I was just going to record our second summer in Skagway Alaska. I started it using HomeSite and then DreamWeaver. It was definitely a roll your own operation. And from time to time, I would get my links totally FUBAR. Having only myself to blame. After 8 years – to the day – I started using WordPress. What a joy. It was like going from driving your own stick shift Fiat which might need a major tune up at any time to riding back of a chauffeured Lexus.
And all this thing is is a simple online diary. An old woman’s view of the 21st Century. For better or worse.
Aloha! Glad to find you again, Peg.
I retired from NPS November 1. MJ and I are now based in Nokomis Florida where many old ladies, and a few old not so ladies, call home. You’d fit in wonderfully. MJ’s favorite of her T-shirts — I’m sure you’ve seen/used the sentiment — describes her as growing old disgracefully. With retirement, I’m dabbling in FaceBook. occasionally respond to e-mail, too.
Visit. No volunteering required, but we do have a couple neat historic sites for Carlton. Hi to him.
Hello Peg. I figured you bailed from Facebook, so I have to thank you for your birthday gift over here. I used it to buy an interesting assortment of books, DVD’s and CD’s. All is well. If you do go to facebook again, you’ll see a cartoon character instead of my smiling face where my picture should be. I always told myself that I would never be one of those idiots who use cartoon characters in lieu of a picture. But — I have a good excuse. It is taken from a French-Japanese manga website of a character named “James Durham” – an English homicide investigator called to the land of the Rising Sun who stayed and has a rowdy kid. I thought that was pretty cool.
Hi Peg, I so enjoy your diary and I love your photography. It also helps me see what you two are up to when you are not in Kona. I’m so glad Carlton is doing better. What a nightmare you two have been through. But I hope you know that your many friends are sending you love and encouragement every day.
Thanks for the beautiful photos!!! Martha
Hang in there, Peg. I know it’s scary now. But you are more than up to any challenge. You are brilliant. Talented. Gifted. You can do ANYTHING you want. Just like always. You will prevail. — James
Hello Peg – I have been following you all winter and found your pictures and humor most enjoyable. We all know how difficult it was making the trip alone, but it was the best decision and you did great. Norma, my mom, says hello and she was moved to a senior living complex last week and her house is for sale. It is an assisted living facility, but she says she is not going to hang around with the “old people.” Ha Ha No playing cards or puzzles. (She is 94) She still drives short distances. We enjoyed your messages about getting rid of “stuff.” My sister and I just spent 3 weeks cleaning out mom’s house. Wow. We are telling everyone we know to clean clean and throw throw throw. My own home is already done. I purged the entire house over the past 2 years and I feel so good and free. Husband, Phil, is not quite there yet, but I will give him time. Good Luck to you as you find a spot to call home. Take along what you really need while you are in the area and look forward to another winter in the Hawaiian sunshine.
Hi Peg,
I followed your and Carlton’s adventures in the MCC group. It was heartbreaking when he left.
I lost my husband to the evil MCC in January after a long fight.
I am having the same hard time you are having. I go to work then home then work then home. There are lots of good people here but I just still feel alone. I did get a puppy, named him Jack Daniels after Larry’s favorite.
I enjoy your blog and the magnificent photos.
Hope better days are ahead,
Hi Peg
Found you through Merkel Cell group. I am a survivor of this wicked cancer after being diagnosed a year ago. Clean for now & hopefully forever. I really enjoy your blog and especially your pictures. Btw, it’s Trumpdontcare health plan which unfortunately I am dependent on. Will lobby hard with Senate to make sure it doesn’t pass! Thank you for letting me watch your interesting life.
Ok now that’s a nice cocktail
Ok peg
I read your blog to
My wife today and she thinks your incredible !
As do
I !!! FYI I know u thru the merkel group my
Brother is hanging in and I enjoy your blog way more than the group ! Just saying ! I
Might get to
Kona in jan would love to buy u a Manhattan
Your gratuide list is awesome ! I’m going to do one myself !
Thanks for the idea !
I’m 56 I can’t remember anyone but my dog Chester’s name ! Don’t sweat it !
Dear Peg~
Just looking at your blog…you are truly an amazingly multi-talented gal. I certainly miss seeing your sweet, smile. Your photos are an incredible treat! You have a great eye for a fabulous shot!! Wishing you safe, fun travels ahead. Look forward to seeing you next year.
Hi Peg,
Glad to see you are still blogging. 18 years is a long time. I put my comment here as didn’t see where to comment on your latest 12/2 post. Looks like your Thanksgiving was. Ice and that Christmas is in the works. Tree is beautiful. Merry Christmas Peg. Pop over to the Kitchen sometime. Miss ya. Linda/Ladyhawk
Have been following your blog , 7-8 years, perhaps around the time you were moving into the Asylum. There are months between the times I read your entries. Tonight, as you travel to Kona, I was scrolling through and your entry on Oct. 13 about the accordion player and wine tasting was hilariously funny! I literally laughed out loud with tears rolling down my cheeks. Thank you for sharing your sense of humor. Glad to read you are returning to Kona.
Bob Barboza again ! That barge trip looked amazing ! You had me at beef Wellington ! Lol
Is that the old Kona surf hotel ?
I stayed there 40 years ago
Loved it
Hope you are well
Unfortunately, the Kona Surf Hotel is no more. The hotel in the image is “The Old Hilton” currently called The Royal Kona Resort.
As for me, much to my amazement, I am still alive. Who would have guessed I’d make it this far?
Great to hear from you.