wed 10-jul-02 19:39

Lowell River Walk

Great day today - weather wise. Mid 70s, bright sun. Blue sky. I took the above picture on Sunday evening - when the weather was nice, but every thing was hazy from forest fires in Quebec. Went on the same stroll this evening - but the light wasn't so fine for pictures.

What have we noticed about New England - or at least Massachusetts.

  1. Fortunately, we were warned - at traffic lights - folks making left turns have the right of way. Not legally, mind you. But, actually. I tested it myself by making a left turn in front of of a cop car. But, unlike back home, most cars seem actually stop when the light turns red.
  2. More traffic - street name signs and highway number markers are almost nonexistent.
  3. Carlton thinks that women have more generous - shall we say - "features". I think that maybe it is the way women dress up here in the summer. Down home - ladies of my age don't even do sleeveless. Here tank top seems to be fine - even for the ladies doing the evening TV news.
  4. The whole place is Dunkin Donut crazy. Former Labor Secretary Reich is running for governor. Yesterday he was on TV with a box of Dunkin Donuts. Chocolate covered cream filled hummers.