sat 13-jul-02 15:54

BROWSER BLUES. Brain dead yesterday ... no weblog entries. The client decided "I gotta have 'drop down or fly out menus'". And of course, it has to be made out of standard parts so it can be changed easily and it has to be Section 508 compliant. And it has to degrade gracefully. Degrade is about all it does. Not so gracefully either. By the end of the day - I was fried.

But, I found some spare web parts laying around and I think I have constructed the desired "drop down" menus. Tomorrow, I attack the problem of making the thing "look better" with browsers that belong in the browser grave yard.

I wish that Bill Gates had completely taken over the browser business. Then I wouldn't be having all this Netscape grief. Less than 20% of NPS web visitors use Netscape. But, today, Netscape took over 80% of my time.

Enough whining for one day. It is Saturday nite and the local outdoor entertainment is a group that I can only call "Abba Reenactors". I am sure there is another word for them. Darned if I know what it is.