sat 12-mar-05

Woke up to rain this morning. Most of today it has been either sprinkling or pouring. Fortunately, I made it to the post office and library during one of the sprinkling phases.

We had nice shark steaks and rice for lunch. Oh yes, and some cake. Read our books. Took naps. Watched it rain. Watched it rain more. Actually, a nice day.

And, I thought about my round the world trip. How about - DC to Burges to Haarlem to Capetown to Johannesburg to Dubai to Saigon to Singapore to Perth to Brisbane to Great Barrier Reef to Kona to DC?

Seriously any suggestions for a Arab country that might be possible to go see. I mean other than signing up with the Army to go to Iraq! I want to see those funky sci-fi type buildings, and men in those white robes and women wrapped in black. Great photos. I always wanted to see the May Day Parade in the old evil empire. Missed that. Any how, I think Dubai might work for me.


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