sun 13-mar-05
view from under the banyan tree - 13.mar.05
Back to sunny today. Went to look at the snow. Went for a swim. Carlton went
to work. I took pictures of folks.
About my visit to Arabia. Maybe Doha in Qatar? They might have direct flights from Doha to Capetown and to the Maldives as well. If the Maldives still exist after the tsunami.
Read today that some folks are suing our US American (and Japanese) Tsunami Warnings system folks for not telling the folks in Thailand forcefully enough that a tsunami might be coming. Save us please from lawyers. Isn't it the US and Japanese Tsunami Warning system? Paid for by our tax money. I guess the lawyers couldn't figure out how to sue mother nature or god.
I hear my swim suit calling.
Went swimming - had a little mis-adventure. Got washed up on the rocks. Got off the rocks and got washed back on the rocks again. I ended up getting back to the pier on my butt, hands, and feet. Like a crab. All's well that ends well. I got back safely with only blisters on my hands.
(To those who know Kona. I got too close to the seawall. A very high tide was coming in. And a bunch of cruise ship tenders running around. And I got pushed over to the seawall and couldn't get far enough away from the wall to get back to the pier. And I sure as hell didn't want to get washed down to the beach by the Palace - too many sea urchins. Or worse - get washed down towards the Kona Inn. So imagine me inching my way along the seawall - with the waves lapping over me - inching along on my butt. DUMB HAOLE.)