thu 23-feb-06
yellowtail coris
fish is the yellowtail coris (above). It is easy to the yellowtail. I do not
know enough about the yellowtail to know if the fish is the photo is male
or female. But, I guess the yellowtails can tell who is what. Because, at
the right a baby yellowtail coris is pictured. Baby yellowtails don't even
have tails - much less yellow ones.
The yellowtail coris is a member of the wrasse family. Like parrotfish, many wrasses can change from female to male. But unlike the parrotfish, some wrasses can change back to female from the male state.
Starting to think about going back to Arlington. It will be nice to have my high speed internet back. And, I'll be happy to see my own personal parking space. And my kitchen.
The Menu: Lunch - Carlton lunched at the palace. Dinner - Doing stuff from the pantry and fridge. I don't ming leaving condiments behind - but I hate to leave any "real" food. So, dinner will be some strange Japanese nuked noodles and a salad made from broccoli and sandwich ham.