arlington, va
fri 20-oct-06

At 60 something - I wouldn't dress like this.

So, why did I spend the last month lusting after this computer?
Your technology - like your clothes should be "age appropriate"

This morning I wanted to go "look at the leaves". So, I hopped on the housekeeper and busboy bus and road thru the upscale suburbs en route to megamall... Lots of nice leaves. At the end of the route - I had a nice cup of coffee and spied one of these little tiny Sony computers. Well, it took about 60 seconds for me to realize that only the very young can actually read text on a 4.5 inch screen. Just like only the very young can shop with impunity at "Free People".

Sort of trying to take a little time off from technology. No audiobooks. No using the internet to shop for socks. No listening to the iPod. No RSS. No forums. No using I have been too much on line. Next thing you know - I may start a "Second Life".


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