Thursday July 12, 2001 9:58 PM
Skagway Alaska

Getting online later every day with less stuff. But, I am making headway on my Devils Tower job - so this web log should improve soon.

This is our Friday! So, I'll be able to work on the Devils Tower project most of tomorrow - which should get it at least to the "review" stage.

This evening we went to see the Chief of Interp's "what I did on my winter vacation slides" (He went to Tahiti!) And one of the folks who came to see the slides brought some rhubarb cake to die for. And I got a 6-pack of Rolling Rock for $7.50 at the Alaska State Liquor Store. Alaska State is just its name. It is not a state run liquor store like in Virginia. This all made for an enjoyable evening.


Today's logbook entry
maps, problems, etc
hardware/software who knows what

< yesterday tomorrow >