falls church
sun 18-aug-02 17:23

Some Lowell Dogs

Captured frequent flyer tickets to Kona this afternoon.

Got the Dear Old Dad Memorial Filing System back in shape. Dad died two years ago. We were all amazed at how well organized his accounting records were. So, I started the Dear Old Dad filing system. So, after I go, folks can say "Gee, the old lady was organized". Of course, some people like Carlton were born organized.

Working on something for the National Park of American Samoa. The Shark Section contained this rather amusing paragraph:

We are quite fortunate not to have much of a “shark problem” in American Samoa.   Based on conversations with long-time residents here, it appears that there have been very few shark attacks in the Territory and probably no fatalities here in the past 30 years. The few injuries that have occurred were usually related to fishing activities, and records from the hospital's Emergency Medical Services concur with this.  EMS has responded to only one or two shark incidents in recent memory – one was a somewhat humorous account of two fishermen trying to land a shark in their boat.  The first fisherman brought the shark up to the side of the boat so that his partner could club it, but his partner missed.   The shark then reared up and bit the first fisherman, who then got mad and clubbed his partner for missing the shark.

Last Year a look back.