Port Royal Aegis Cruiser - 07.feb.03
find ourselves on "High Alert" today. Let me tell you,
"High Alert" in Kona isn't anything like "High Alert"
in DC. No black helicopter gun ships overhead, no jet fighter sounds,
no rocket launchers on roof tops. In fact, Hawaii decided that Hawaii
isn't on "High Alert" but that Blue or "Guarded"
is fine for us. Lucky we come Hawaii.
Some of the tourists on the pier this morning thought the Navy
ship in the bay was because of "High Alert". But no, the
ship is just here for R&R. The crew will be taking in our Chinese
New Year's celebration tomorrow.
Tomorrow, we are going to the "Annual Surprise" Birthday
party for Auntie Fannie. The only way to surprise Fannie would be
to *not* have a surprise party.