breaking dawn - chicago - 14.mar.03
Noon yesterday driving to airport. Noon today driving to post office.
Arrived DCA at 10ish. Took subway home. Took a cab the last 1.5
miles. Because of the cold, the load, and the age of the travelers.
Everything seems to be fine at home. House looks to be OK. Car
started up OK. No bad looking envelops in the mail. (Don't know
what is inside the envelops - I haven't opened anything except cards
- Christmas and Sympathy.)
Haven't ventured to the grocery yet. We'll be eating off my "disaster
shelf". One of my first tasks will be to make sure the disaster
shelf is well stocked. Likewise, the disaster wine rack. And beer
Broadsides everywhere in the 'hood announcing anti-war rally tomorrow.
Weather and jet lag permitting - I'll attend.