lessons - 15.mar.03
Here we have Iron Mike, the old Halliburton metal suitcase, ca.
1960, and a plastic jar of peanut butter. Doesn't seem like much
does it? Well, the new improved airport security system was much
perturbed by the combination of a beat up old metal suitcase which
contained a some wires (hey, I am a computer geek - of course I
pack wires, cables, cords and connectors) and a half a jar of peanut
butter ( think Carlton, the fugal, would leave half a jar of peanut
butter behind).
They X-rayed Iron Mike, they wiped and sniffed Iron Mike, they
opened Iron Mike up. Discovering the dangerous jar of peanut butter
- they smashed Iron Mike shut and slammed Iron Mike on the conveyer.
Adding a few more dents.
I am thinking that maybe you shouldn't put peanut butter in your
expensive Halliburton luggage. Especially if your expensive Halliburton
luggage looks like it has been smuggled in and out of Afghanistan
on the back of a mule.
Speaking of Afghanistan - I did not make it to the Mall for the
anti-war action. But, I did make it to Trader Joe's to resupply
the beer stash and wine shelf.