war preparation - home front
Welcome back to reality old girl! Went out to get the Sunday Paper.
Was getting settled in for a morning of coffee drinking and paper
reading. When what pops out - but this 10 page insert about what
I should have already done to be "prepared". There is
a perfectly serious article about the various types of gas masks.
And a full page describing how one will die from the various types
of Nuclear, Chemical, Biological Agents. A couple companies even
took out ads in the section. Seems like a good place for a Wild
Turkey ad to me.
So, I figured that since tomorrow evening or tuesday seems to be
war day - I should spring into action.
To that end I am
- Charging up all the batteries
- Checking out the disaster food supplies. I'll go on a resupply
run later today.
- Refreshing the water supplies. The water supply is marginal.
But, it will have to suffice. 5 gallons. Plus whatever is in the
water heater. And hopefully there will be time to fill up the
bath tub and slop sink. I refuse to buy a case of bottled water.
And that is going to be it for the Bethany/Combs household - less
than 7 miles as the crow flies from the Washington Monument. No
duct tape, no plastic sheeting, no "safe room", no gas
mask. But maybe another couple of bottles of wine and some good
chocolate. And No-Doze pills, for the caffeine addicts in the family.
(We have no little camp stove or anything similar for heating water.
If we have no electricity we have NO COFFEE. Now that would be serious!)