Saturday September 20, 2003 17:04
We got the power. Have rejoined the 21st Century.
sat 20-sep-03 12:38 PM
Just come back from the grocery. Stopped by Harris Teeters. Surprise! They were giving away gallon jugs of water, bags of ice, and the elusive dry ice. Now, I don't know what good a couple of pound of dry ice is going to do for my freezer. But, it is in there and I have a warm fuzzy feeling about Harris Teeter.
sat 20-sep-03 10:27 AM
Still powerless. The sounds of chainsaws fill the air today. Fortunately, we have no chainsaw requiring problems. We got all our branches out to the street early yesterday and by noon the county had hauled them off.
The citizens are starting to get restless. Everyone thinks the electric company should come to their house first.
fri 19-sep-03 1:30 PM
No electricity since 2PM yesterday. No hope of electricty today. But, we have water and phones. And no damage to person or property. The blog will continue in a seriously limited fashion. Some things are normal. Carlton is playing tennis.