tue 11-jan-05
diving for $$$ in the mail room - 11.jan.05
We captured a few free bucks. Checking the trash can in the mail room. But, we suspect that some other people must have been doing it too - Free money is too good to turn down.
Been thinking a mooning and the history of same. Randy Moss pseudo mooned the fans at last weekend's wildcard game. Now... mooning surely wasn't invented by black folk. It wouldn't be called mooning if a black dude did it first. (And we ladies know for sure that it *was* a guy who did the first moon.)
In Mel Gibson's Braveheart there was a mass mooning. And, since the Scots wear skirts ... and since the manly way to kilt is sans-undies or "regimental" as it is called - well the Scots could have inventing mooning.
There is a semi-documented moon at the Battle of Crecy (1346) when at considerable risk to themselves several hundred Norman soldiers exposed their butts to English archers.
Going to a meeting of the Condo association tonight. Maybe there will be a mooning.