
sun 23-sep-07

Another image from the 1950's time capsule.

And, isn't it cool that the "Survivor" capsule is shaped like a bomb.

Speaking of survival... Today, I sort of allowed "paid" software on my computer. I signed up for a remote backup service. Partly, because I am over run with old backup CD's. The CD's date back to 1997 - and I bet if I looked at the CD's I'd find that they contain copies of backup floppies/zip drives. Being a compulsive type - the backups are all neatly cataloged. Being a compulsive type - getting rid of all the CD's isn't going to be easy - but it is going to happen.

I signed up for Carbonite Service. It is a huge leap of faith. Letting them shop around my computer. And whisk files off into space. Beam them up, Scotty.